Burrator Reservoir

Active & Outdoors

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Undisturbed Burrator is surrounded by mixed woodland which sharply contrasts with the open moor and rugged Dartmoor tors. The reservoir is popular with walkers, cyclists and horse riders due to its wealth of footpaths and bridleways. Many of the trails lead on to Dartmoor so it makes an ideal starting point for longer trips.

The Burrator Discovery Centre explains the history of the Burrator catchment and reservoir. For opening days/times please call the centre on 01822 855700 to find out more.

The circular walk which follows the lanes around the water is ideal for families as it is easy going and flat. It will take around 2 hours to complete and is approximately 4.5 miles. Parking is possible at various locations including the Quarry car park, Norsworthy Bridge and the Dam. There are picnic tables, toilets, birdwatching and an arboretum on site. Ice-creams are also available from a van during the summer.

This attractive Dartmoor trout fishery is one of the most tranquil and picturesque natural angling venues in the South West. Fly fishing from the bank only for stocked rainbow trout, as well as stocked and wild brown trout. (Brown trout ‘catch and release’ only.) Day and season permits are available online at https://www.swlakestrust.org.uk/trout-fishing

Fishing boats are also available to hire at Burrator. For more information and bookings please contact Burrator Fly Fishers via https://sites.google.com/view/burratorflyfishers/home



  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Discovery Centre
  • Wildlife
  • Angling
  • Volunteering
  • Reservoir